RT: Request Tracker installation CentOS 4

We are currently evaluating the Request Tracker (RT) in our office. Request Tracker is a ticketing system which enables to efficiently manage problems, tasks, issues, and requests submitted by users. RT is an online ticketing system tightly integrated with email. It’s written in Object-Oriented perl and utilizes MySQL database. RT manages key tasks such as the identification, prioritization, assignment, resolution and notification. For guides and reading materials there’s a book RT Essentials published by Oreilly and some online documents for installation and getting started. I tried to install RT in CentOS 4 with this installation guide, which is for RedHat Enterprise 4 and should work for CentOS 4, Fedora 4 and Whitebox Linux 4. But got stuck with 4 perl modules, without which the RT didn’t function well. I did try to force install the dependencies from MCPAN shell but the RT wouldn’t work properly with my forced installation.

So, this is what I did. I followed Installation Guide of RHEL4 and on No. 6) Install RT… I downloaded some extra RPMS and installed them. If you are having the same problem as me, the following step No. 6 can help you. It has worked for me so hopefully it’ll work for you too (no guarantee or warranty :)). Good luck…

Follow the steps 1 to 5 of this Installation Guide of RHEL4 and here is the 6th step:

6) Install RT…

### Download and extract Request Tracker
gunzip rt.tar.gz
tar -xvf rt.tar
cd rt-3.4.5/

### Set up the makefile for us with the proper settings:
./configure –with-web-user=apache –with-web-group=apache \
–with-fastcgi –with-mysql

### Show us what’s missing and what’s not:
perl sbin/rt-test-dependencies –with-mysql –with-fastcgi \

### Try to install what’s missing for us through CPAN:
perl sbin/rt-test-dependencies –with-mysql –with-fastcgi \

### Test again and only show us the MISSING items this time:
perl sbin/rt-test-dependencies –with-mysql –with-fastcgi \
–verbose | grep MISSING

### MIME::Entity won’t install without MIME::Base64,
### so install that first:
perl -MCPAN -e ‘install MIME::Base64’

### Now install MIME::Entity:
perl -MCPAN -e ‘install MIME::Entity’

### Now install Log::Dispatch:
perl -MCPAN -e ‘install Log::Dispatch’

### Try to install anything else missing for us:
perl sbin/rt-test-dependencies –with-mysql –with-fastcgi \

### After this I found some modules still failed to install
### Test again and make sure nothing is MISSING:
perl sbin/rt-test-dependencies –with-mysql –with-fastcgi \
–verbose | grep MISSING

### This is what I got, 4 perl modules were missing:
Apache::Session 1.53…MISSING
DBIx::SearchBuilder 1.35…MISSING
Tree::Simple 1.04…MISSING
Test::WWW::Mechanize …MISSING

### Download and install the missing perl modules. Use RPMS
### For some reasons using MCAPN shell fails to install these
### Download install and Apache::Session RPM
rpm –ivh perl-Apache-Session-1.6-4.noarch.rpm

### Download and install DBIx::SearchBuilder RPM
rpm -ivh perl-DBIx-SearchBuilder-1.38-2.noarch.rpm

### Received following Failed dependencies errors
error: Failed dependencies:
perl(Cache::Simple::TimedExpiry) is needed
by perl-DBIx-SearchBuilder-1.38-2.noarch
perl(Class::ReturnValue) is needed
by perl-DBIx-SearchBuilder-1.38-2.noarch
perl(Clone) is needed
by perl-DBIx-SearchBuilder-1.38-2.noarch
perl(DBIx::DBSchema) is needed
by perl-DBIx-SearchBuilder-1.38-2.noarch
perl(Want) is needed
by perl-DBIx-SearchBuilder-1.38-2.noarch

### Checked from CPAN shell and found that all of the failed
### dependencies were already installed so,
### I did RPM installation without checking dependencies:
rpm -ivh –nodeps perl-DBIx-SearchBuilder-1.38-2.noarch.rpm

### Download and install Tree::Simple RPM
rpm -ivh perl-Tree-Simple-1.15-4.noarch.rpm

### Download and install Test::WWW::Mechanize
rpm -ivh perl-Test-WWW-Mechanize-1.06-4.noarch.rpm

### Got following Failed dependencies errors
error: Failed dependencies:
perl(Carp::Assert::More) is needed
by perl-Test-WWW-Mechanize-1.06-4.noarch
perl(Test::LongString) >= 0.07 is needed
by perl-Test-WWW-Mechanize-1.06-4.noarch
perl(WWW::Mechanize) is needed
by perl-Test-WWW-Mechanize-1.06-4.noarch

### Checked from MCPAN shell and found WWW::Mechanize
### is already installed. So, download and install
### the missing ones: Carp::Assert::More and Test::LongString
rpm -ivh perl-Carp-Assert-More-1.10-4.noarch.rpm

### Got following dependencies error
error: Failed dependencies:
perl(Carp::Assert) is needed
by perl-Carp-Assert-More-1.10-4.noarch

### Checked from MCPAN shell and found Carp::Assert
### was already installed. So, did RPM installation
### without checking dependencies
rpm -ivh –nodeps perl-Carp-Assert-More-1.10-4.noarch.rpm

### Install Test::LongString RPM
rpm -ivh perl-Test-LongString-0.08-4.noarch.rpm

### Now can force install Test::WWW::Mechanize,
### since missing dependencies are already installed:
rpm -ivh –nodeps perl-Test-WWW-Mechanize-1.06-4.noarch.rpm

### Test again and make sure nothing is MISSING:
perl sbin/rt-test-dependencies –with-mysql –with-fastcgi \
–verbose | grep MISSING

### This time I got no output, which meant nothing was missing.
### Go ahead and install…
make install

After this you can religiously follow the remaining steps from the

same installation Guide

4 comments on “RT: Request Tracker installation CentOS 4
  1. Niranjan Kunwar says:

    If you want to install the packaged version of RT for Cent OS and RHEL you can get them here:


    I haven’t tried them myself but I think they should work. If anyone has tried pls let me know.

    It was packaged for CentOS 4 and it’s available at:

    If you like it, just get repository file rt-3.4.x.repo and copy it to /etc/yum.repos.d/ and install.

  2. neteng says:

    Funny you mention this Niranjan! This is the system recommended by Thomas Limoncelli in his time management book. Let me know how it works out for you!

  3. Niranjan Kunwar says:

    Exactly, I heard about this system before but we’ve decided to evaluate it now because Tomas Limoncelli suggests it. I’m currently trying everything he suggests :). Just started testing it and I’ll let you know how our evaluation goes.

  4. In getting all the dependencies installed, your comment about installing MIME::Base64 first did the trick for me. For some reason, it’s not a MIME::Tools dependency.

    Without it, the install for MIME::Entity was failing during the t/Misc.t tests and refused to cooperate. I didn’t try to force the install because I didn’t want any functionality to be missing.

    Thanks for posting your experience!

3 Pings/Trackbacks for "RT: Request Tracker installation CentOS 4"
  1. […] Request Tracker: A ticketing system which enables to efficiently manage problems, tasks, issues, and requests submitted by users. RT is an online ticketing system tightly integrated with email. I’ve written a supplement to the RedHat installation guide in my article RT: Request Tracker installation Centos 4. Currently our software department is testing this system within our office. […]

  2. […] Today found this great post, here is a quick excerpt : We are currently evaluating the Request Tracker (RT) in our office. Request Tracker is a ticketing system which enables to efficiently manage problems, tasks, issues, and requests submitted by users. RT is an online ticketing system … Read the rest of this great post Here […]