Google’s new interface

Everyone is talking about the new interface that Google is testing. So, I decided to try and can confirm that it’s true. If you want to try for yourself follow this blog’s instruction. This is what I did:

Just Download the “Add N Edit Cookies” Firefox Extension e create a Cookie for your firefox in this way :

VALUE: ID=fb7740f107311e46:TM=1142683332:

Now you’re ready to check new google interfaces.

Note: VALUE should be in one line (ID=…:TM=…:LM=…:S=…)

2 comments on “Google’s new interface
  1. Shilpa says:

    Could you please let me know how can i access this google’s beta version as its not reflecting in my IP?

    Shilpa gupta

  2. Shilpa, you need to follow exactly what is mentioned in the post and BTW, make sure you’re using Firefox. Nothing special other than that. I’m not sure if Google is letting access to this based on geographical region.