Mac running WinXp?

This video shows installation of Windows XP on intel iMac. I’m not sure if this is for real! Have a look and you can decide.

A site is promising to pay almost US$ 13,000 to the first person who posts complete instructions, including pictures of the boot process to The Forum. The latest update mentions that Solution has been submitted. Currently testing

WordPress 2.0.2

WordPress development team has released WordPress 2.0.2. It contains several security and bug fixes. They’ve addressed unannounced XSS issues privately discovered and reported to the WordPress team. If you are using WordPress 2.0.1 I highly recommend you to upgrade it. I’ll be upgrading mine ASAP.

Performancing Metrics: Statistics for blogs have released a very cool service called Performancing Metrics. It is a statistics service aimed at professional bloggers. It’s packed with features that bloggers will definitely find very useful. It’s in beta and free for public. The setup takes less than 5 mins. (need to register) and approx. an hour for your statistics to appear online. It’s not real time but better than Google Analytics in terms of response. I highly recommend this to all bloggers and I’ll be using this from now on in addition to my Awstats.

Few things you should be looking right away after activating the Metrics:

Add multiple blogs – really, add as many as you want. In a couple of weeks, we’ll be able to show you the aggregate data for your entire network also.

Subscribe to your metrics RSS – the little RSS buttons top right will give you a daily summary of your Metrics

See Adsense data – Running Adsense? You’ll like this one then, and we plan to improve it, aswell as support other ad systems in the future.

Search Engine Details – Find the Search Engines page, then click on the actual phrase to get drill down data on each search phrase

The rest you will have to explore, I wouldn’t want to ruin all the fun heh…

Bank account frozen after Buddha Boy’s disappearance is reporting that bank account of Meditation Management committee is frozen after the disappearance of Ram Bahadur Bomjon.

The local administration of Bara district on Monday stopped the bank account of Meditation Management Committee after “little Buddha” suddenly disappeared from the meditation site and could not traced anywhere.

Little Buddha missing and not found yet

I’ve been following the news like crazy from yesterday since I read about Ram Bahadur Bomjon’s disappearance. Now almost all the major news are reporting the story. While I was writing about this in my previous article Buddha Boy Lost and Found was reporting that he has been found which appears not to be true. I’ve read many news and blogs, so these are the facts known till now:

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Buddha Boy Lost and Found?

After 10 months of meditation Ram Bahadur Bomjon has mysteriously gone missing. CNN is reporting a team of police is dispatched to search him in the jungles of Bara. His photo above is taken from CNN which appears to be a new one. His hair has grown longer and is covering up to his nose. The gown should be a new one (the old one was apparently burnt by the fire erupting from his body).

Kantipur Online is reporting that the boy has been found near his meditating site. Now the story is changed to ‘Buddha boy’ Bomjon abandons meditation site (see the Update at the end of this story)

State-run Nepal Television earlier Saturday reported that whether Bomjom himself abandoned his mediation or somebody forcefully took him way was not clear.

Nepal News is saying Little Buddha “reported missing”

Ram Lama, member secretary of the committee that manages hundreds of devotees who visit the Ratnapuri to have “darshan” of the young boy, said he did not have any idea where Bomjan may have left. He, however, dismissed reports saying that Bomjan may have been abducted.

“He has left along with one of his colleagues. He must have gone in search of a quieter place,” radio reports quoted Lama as saying. is also saying “Little Buddha” Goes Missing from Meditating site in West Nepal

I think he’s just gone for a walk or in search for a quieter place. What do you think?


Kantipur Online ( has changed the story from Meditating boy Bomjon lost, Found to ‘Buddha boy’ Bomjon abandons meditation site. So, it’s unclear whether the boy is still missing or has been found. The older story of is not available online but I’ve the screen capture.

Other News sources on Buddha Boy’s disappearance:
Reuters: Nepal’s mystery “Buddha” boy goes missing
The Times of India: Nepal’s ‘Buddha Boy’ vanishes
UWB: Where is the Buddha Boy?

Nepali Times: Mayadebi’s meditating son

Nepali Times have an article Mayadebi’s meditating son. (Requires login. It’s free to register). There’s nothing new about the Buddha Boy himself but it’s interesting to know his childhood from his mother. I think she’s fed up of the same questions everyone is asking.

Mayadebi remembers Ram stopped going to school, followed a Lama and went from monastery to monastery. His mother lost track of him and she would hear he was in Lumbini or Dehradun. Mayadebi says she has never gone near her son since he started fasting. “I’m too scared,” she tells us, “I am afraid of what I might see. After he left school, I was afraid my son was going to be a good-for-nothing, after he started meditating the neighbours said that he had gone mad. But now I’m just worried about him.”

Astaro Security Gateway: Integrated Security Solution

One of our customer was interested in a security solution that was tightly integrated, easy to manage and cost effective. After researching for a while I found that Astaro Security Gateway software (formerly Astaro Security Linux) was one of the best choices available in the market. The features were so appealing that I did a 30 day evaluation and this is what I found.

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Simple ways to make yourself far cleverer

GuardianUnlimited has an article on Simple ways to make yourself far cleverer . Brain exercises such as watching countdown, playing Sudoku, remembering telephone numbers and taking a shower with your eyes closed can make us all up to 40 per cent cleverer within seven days, according to research by a BBC programme this week.

Here is the Get Smater Guide:


Brush your teeth with your ‘wrong’ hand and take a shower with your eyes closed.


Do the crossword or Sudoku puzzle in your Sunday paper and take a brisk walk.


Have oily fish for dinner, and either cycle, walk or take the bus into work.


Select unfamiliar words from the dictionary and work them into conversations.


Go to yoga, Pilates or a meditation class, and talk to someone you don’t know.


Take a different route to work; watch Countdown or Brainteaser.


Avoid caffeine or alcohol; memorise your shopping list.

How To Make a fake video iPod

Last week there were photos of video iPod all over the web. Now the guy who made the fake video iPod has released a video documentary, showing how he did it.
