After 10 months of meditation Ram Bahadur Bomjon has mysteriously gone missing. CNN is reporting a team of police is dispatched to search him in the jungles of Bara. His photo above is taken from CNN which appears to be a new one. His hair has grown longer and is covering up to his nose. The gown should be a new one (the old one was apparently burnt by the fire erupting from his body).
Kantipur Online is reporting that the boy has been found near his meditating site. Now the story is changed to ‘Buddha boy’ Bomjon abandons meditation site (see the Update at the end of this story)
State-run Nepal Television earlier Saturday reported that whether Bomjom himself abandoned his mediation or somebody forcefully took him way was not clear.
Nepal News is saying Little Buddha “reported missing”
Ram Lama, member secretary of the committee that manages hundreds of devotees who visit the Ratnapuri to have “darshan” of the young boy, said he did not have any idea where Bomjan may have left. He, however, dismissed reports saying that Bomjan may have been abducted.
“He has left along with one of his colleagues. He must have gone in search of a quieter place,” radio reports quoted Lama as saying.
NewslineNepal.com is also saying “Little Buddha” Goes Missing from Meditating site in West Nepal
I think he’s just gone for a walk or in search for a quieter place. What do you think?
Kantipur Online (eKantipur.com) has changed the story from Meditating boy Bomjon lost, Found to ‘Buddha boy’ Bomjon abandons meditation site. So, it’s unclear whether the boy is still missing or has been found. The older story of eKantipur.com is not available online but I’ve the screen capture.

Other News sources on Buddha Boy’s disappearance:
Reuters: Nepal’s mystery “Buddha” boy goes missing
The Times of India: Nepal’s ‘Buddha Boy’ vanishes
UWB: Where is the Buddha Boy?
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