Tech Warning and Tech Gifts for Valentines Day

BBC has a warning over valentine’s e-cards. Just beware and don’t open the e-cards from your secret admirer. In the past there had been an increase of virus, spam and spyware during valentine’s day.

“Just the receipt of an e-card can be a huge threat. Some people will ignore these but for others, curiosity draws them to making a simple click on an innocent looking advert, and unknowingly our Romeo or Juliet exposes the organisation to web-borne security threats.”

Previous viruses, like 2000’s Love Bug, have played on this tendency.

The best defense is not to open any unsolicited valentine’s-related messages.

On the brighter side Shortflip has some recommendations for Valentines Day Tech Gifts.

Flowers, candy, jewelry and stuffed animals are probably the most received gifts on Valentine’s Day, February 14th. For the more creative and geeky of us out there, Valentine’s Day gives us the opportunity to truly show your girl how much you care for her by shelling out some cash on a useful tech gadget.

They recommend iPods, Cell phones, Digital cameras and other gadgets but also warn the geeks:

Be careful though: giving a good tech gift can serve as a constant reminder to your thoughtfulness or an unwanted token of your geekiness.