10 Things You should Know About WordPress 2.1

ImagesTechnosailor has an useful article about 10 Things You should Know About WordPress 2.1. This is a timely and useful post for those who’re planning to upgrade their WordPress to 2.1. The new version will be released tomorrow and it is the major release since 2.0 branch was launched. This new version will have new features. Some of the notable features are:

  • Auto-save of Drafts
  • Better Image Upload Handling
  • Deprecation of $tableposts, $tablecomments, etc
  • Plugin Compatibility
  • Native WordPress Migration Functionality
  • MySQL Version
  • New Visual Editor Interface
  • Merging of Links and Categories
  • Privacy Features
  • Nonces

As for myself, I’ll test the WordPress 2.1 on a testing site before upgrading my blogs. The main task would be to check the plugin compatibility and also I’ll need to upgrade the MySQL to 4.0+ before upgrading, since WordPress 2.1 doesn’t support MySQl 3.xx

Update: WordPress 2.1 is released

Geek or Chic?

A funny guide for women who’re interested in dating geeks.

You may be thinking what do these socially awkward, checky-shirt clad specimens have to offer me? Ok, so your average geek may not be exactly Brad Pitt but, from my own experiences, geeks are perfect boyfriend material. They are honest, devoted, and faithful. They can fix your computer when it breaks. Other women are unlikely to steal them, and your parents will love them. Most importantly one day their geeky skills will earn them a mint!

Via: Digg

Video of Buddha Boy talking to Journalists

I found this footage from French TV, in YouTube, where Buddha Boy is talking to journalists after his reappearance. I can’t hear what he’s saying in Nepalese due to the French dub. A translation would be most welcome.

What does Love mean

They’re innocent and sincere. Kids see everything uncensored.
This is what Love means to them…

A group of professional people posed this question to a group of 4 to 8 year-olds,

“What does love mean?”

The answers they got were broader and deeper than anyone could have imagined. See what you think:

39 policemen guarding Buddha Boy

UWB has posted this latest photo of the Buddha Boy. Currently 39 policemen are guarding him from 9am to 5pm. Also they’re reporting that the number of followers coming to see him has reduced. Less visitors means less disturbance! I think it’s good for him and his cause.

Apple announces iPhone


Like everyone else I’ve been following the wild iPhone rumors from a long time, and was really happy to see it happen today. Can’t wait to get my hands on it, although they’ll be releasing it in Asia only on 2008. This small device is packed with a lot of amazing features, it’s a:

Widescreen iPod
Revolutionary Phone
Breakthrough Internet Device
High Technology

Everything looks wonderful but I’m just wondering how effective the on-screen keyboard for typing emails and sms would be! Lets wait and see.

Useful links to give you a full dose of iPhone before you can get hold of one:
iPhone (Apple’s official iPhone page)
Watch the iPhone Introduction by Steve Jobs (video on demand, requires QuickTime)
Apple’s new calling: The iPhone (a good article by Time reporter, who got a sneak peak)
TUAW on iPhone (The iPhone category of The Unofficial Apple Weblog)
Engadget on Apple announcement at Macworld 2007
GigaOM on iPhone
Gizmodo on iPhone

Google is the best company to work for, among the top 100

GoogleFortune has released the list of 100 Best Companies To Work For, and Google tops the list, with it’s free meals, swimming spa, and free doctors onsite. Engineers can spend 20% of time on independent projects. Google employs 6,500 people in the US, it is considered a Medium sized company, which receives 1,300 résumés a day and it’s job growth is 67%. Other rivals of Google are far down the list, Yahoo at 44th and Microsoft at 50th position. Go here to see what is inside the best company to work for.

I’ve launched the new security blog

After a marathon of php hacks, trial of different themes, plugins, research of online security sites and security tools… I’m delighted to announce my new blog Security Tools News & Tips to my readers here. As the name mentions, this blog is exclusively focused on Security Tools, News and Tips. The site will be a repository of best security tools both hardwares and softwares (freewares and commercials). I’ve already posted 30+ security tools in the site and will be updating the repository regularly with some of the best in the industry. I’ll also post latest news and tips on security issues. The site is at it’s beginning stage so, I’ll be making some adjustments and changes over time. I’ll of-course maintain this blog (Nirlog.com) too, this is kind of personal where I’ll continue to write about different topics without any constraint. Please visit my new blog and let me know what you think.

Happy New Year 2007

The year 2006 was a great one for me. I’ve had good time blogging and learned a lot too. 2007 has arrived, and I’ve started working on the concept of a new blog. Most of the things are finalized and if everything goes as planned, I’ll be launching it within a few weeks.

I would like to take this opportunity to wish all of my readers a Very Happy and Prosperous New Year 2007!

Taiwanese quake disrupts Internet access

The earthquakes that shook Taiwan yesterday, killed 2 when a building collapsed, and injured at least 40. The quake also damaged undersea cables that disrupted Telecommunications and Internet connections around Asia.

When I went to office this morning, after 3 days Christmas holiday, the phone was constantly ringing, with customers query about Internet and Email service. Our servers were inaccessible from Overseas and we couldn’t reach sites outside of Hong Kong.

Yesterday, I’d noticed an upsurge in traffic to my blog after the news of Buddha Boy’s reappearance, but unfortunately today most of the visitors from US cannot access my site. Hopefully the the damaged cables will be repaired soon and we’ll have an access to the wider world.

This is the notice from my ISP (looks like it’ll take several days to fix):


News: Quake disrupt Asia communication
