Category: Links

10 steps to a better IT support process

If you’re working in IT Support for few years then most probably you’re already following similar steps. Geeks are Sexy have an excellent article 10 steps to a better IT support process. It’s refreshing and should be helpful to novice

Performancing Metrics: Statistics for blogs have released a very cool service called Performancing Metrics. It is a statistics service aimed at professional bloggers. It’s packed with features that bloggers will definitely find very useful. It’s in beta and free for public. The setup takes

Nepali Times: Mayadebi’s meditating son

Nepali Times have an article Mayadebi’s meditating son. (Requires login. It’s free to register). There’s nothing new about the Buddha Boy himself but it’s interesting to know his childhood from his mother. I think she’s fed up of the same

How To Make a fake video iPod

Last week there were photos of video iPod all over the web. Now the guy who made the fake video iPod has released a video documentary, showing how he did it.

Why Macs Suck?

Very funny video about why Mac Computers suck. Click on play to watch video. Originally posted in Geeks Are Sexy . The guy seems very funny and finally reveals that "Everything you saw was put together in a Mac"

What is Microsoft’s Origami?

Rumors are buzzing all around the web about Microsoft’s gadget project codenamed Origami. Origami should be a device smaller than your notebook but bigger than mobile phone or PDA. It should be capable of supporting features like GPS, Bluetooth, 3G

Time Management for System Administrators

Just finished reading Time Management for System Administrators by Thomas A. Limoncelli. I highly recommend this book to every System and Network Administrator. The book is packed with really useful tips for geeks who need to address the time management

Layout Changes and new plug-ins

I’ve been playing with the wordpress templates for a while. And if you are a regular visitor you might have noticed the changes. The main purpose was to make the site and information more accessible. As the number of articles

Buddha Boy: Links Collection

I was just checking my stats today and analyzing the links from external pages. It was pretty interesting to see the traffic coming from different sites (although it’s not very high). The most popular article so far in my blog

WikiHow: Useful HowTos for Geeks

WikiHow is a collaborative writing project with lots of useful how-to manuals. They’re free, contributed and maintained mainly by volunteers. I saw some how-tos that could be useful for geeks. How to Improve your Posture How to Exercise While Sitting
