Category: Blogging

Performancing Metrics: Statistics for blogs have released a very cool service called Performancing Metrics. It is a statistics service aimed at professional bloggers. It’s packed with features that bloggers will definitely find very useful. It’s in beta and free for public. The setup takes

Lyceum: another WordPress multiuser/multiblog

A new project called Lyceum is launched. According to the site: “Lyceum is a multi-blog derivative of WordPress, suitable for installations with 2 or 200,000 blogs!” Sounds good! and they’ve a wiki with installation instruction. I’ve previously tried WordPressMu (another

Layout Changes and new plug-ins

I’ve been playing with the wordpress templates for a while. And if you are a regular visitor you might have noticed the changes. The main purpose was to make the site and information more accessible. As the number of articles

Why I started blogging?

The blogging phenomenon has swept the Internet today. According to Technorati, there are now over 27.2 Million blogs, the blogsphere is doubling in size every 5 and half months and it is now over 60 times bigger than it was

Nepalese blogs are victims or careless?

A popular Nepalese blog site has been offline for last few days and I’d previously written about it in my post Hacked?. Today another blog site seems to have similar problem. From what I see it looks Hacked?

Today when I tried to check United We Blog! for a Democratic Nepal I saw the default blue WordPress theme with some MySQL error. My first thought were, Oh… they’re upgrading to wordpress 2.0.1 like me. But I was wrong.

WordPress 2.0.1 Upgrade

I’ve updated this blog to wordpress 2.0.1. It took me around 5 minutes (no errors). All the Plugins work without any problem. There’s a very detailed Upgrade instruction in wordpress site. I like the new look of the admin interface

HowTo Install WordPress MultiUser Edition

What is WordPress MU? “WordPress MU is multi-user version of the famous WordPress blogging application. It is ideal for people wanting to offer a hosted version of WordPress, but due to its complexity installation and maintainance is not supported in

First Post

After struggling almost for a week to find an appropriate domain name for my site I realized how difficult it is to register a name that you want. Finally I settled down with (Nir=Niranjan & log=weblog) after trying many
