Category: Admin

How to restore a hacked Linux Server

Marius Ducea has a great article on How to restore a hacked Linux Server. He provides a very practical baseline on how you should develop your own plan of action to restore a hacked Linux Server. These are the steps

Ethereal on Mac OS X

With perfect password manager, I thought I had the complete set of tools in my Mac for getting things done. But today I realized, I’d overlooked ethereal. I use it sometimes and it’s a gem without which it would be

Password Managers for OS X

I’ve switched to a Mac and it took quite some time for me to find an ideal password management tool. Of course OS X has an excellent KeyChain Access for password and other confidential information management. Also there are some

Basic journey of a packet

Basic journey of a packet is an excellent article for anyone who’s curious about how things actually work in the Internet, specially for new network and system admins. The author has done a very good job in explaining how a

How to break the Great Firewall of China

I know too well what the Great Firewall of China does. It blocks web sites containing banned words like “Falun Gong” and resets connections with your email servers if your email message contains similar banned words. Once I’d captured TCP

Quick Links for Friday

Google Checkout is live. It’s a new service from Google that makes online shopping more convenient for shoppers and merchants. Shoppers can shop faster and merchants can integrate Google Checkout into their sites as an alternative payment processing method. Here

Basic Linux Networking

After installing a linux server and playing with the basic command lines, the first thing we should be able to do is configure our network, without which of course there is no Internet. Most of the latest linux distributions ship

Getting Started with Linux Commands

Ubuntu , SUSE , RedHat , Xandros and Linspire are doing a great job with Linux Desktop. But they’ve a long way to go, with more than 90% of Windows and around 5% of Apple only a small bite is


BackupMyBlog is a remote blog backup service. It’s first of it’s kind. With explosive growth of blogs I think we’ll see more similar services in the future. It’s free during beta testing period. Looks like they’ll start to charge once

New Theme

If you’re a regular visitor, you can see that I’ve changed the theme. For my rss readers you might or might not see the changes depending on your news reader. Anyway if you care to see it you can directly
