This is supposed to be the leaked photo of Origami. The site Origami Portal first posted this photo but was taken offilne (maybe couldn’t handle the traffic). Looks cool! Hopefully it is not photoshopped. You can see the bigger version…
This is supposed to be the leaked photo of Origami. The site Origami Portal first posted this photo but was taken offilne (maybe couldn’t handle the traffic). Looks cool! Hopefully it is not photoshopped. You can see the bigger version…
Very funny video about why Mac Computers suck. Click on play to watch video. Originally posted in Geeks Are Sexy . The guy seems very funny and finally reveals that "Everything you saw was put together in a Mac"
I learned linux/unix the hard way, using command lines (I think most of us did that way). It has it’s own advantages and disadvantages. On the positive side, I could see the actual workings of the system inside out, not…
A new project called Lyceum is launched. According to the site: “Lyceum is a multi-blog derivative of WordPress, suitable for installations with 2 or 200,000 blogs!” Sounds good! and they’ve a wiki with installation instruction. I’ve previously tried WordPressMu (another…
Of course this is self proclaimed by Microsoft and interestingly the news is in Yahoo. “What we’re saying is that in six months’ time we’ll be more relevant in the U.S. market place than Google,” said Neil Holloway, Microsoft president…
Rumors are buzzing all around the web about Microsoft’s gadget project codenamed Origami. Origami should be a device smaller than your notebook but bigger than mobile phone or PDA. It should be capable of supporting features like GPS, Bluetooth, 3G…
Just finished reading Time Management for System Administrators by Thomas A. Limoncelli. I highly recommend this book to every System and Network Administrator. The book is packed with really useful tips for geeks who need to address the time management…
I’ve been playing with the wordpress templates for a while. And if you are a regular visitor you might have noticed the changes. The main purpose was to make the site and information more accessible. As the number of articles…
I was just checking my stats today and analyzing the links from external pages. It was pretty interesting to see the traffic coming from different sites (although it’s not very high). The most popular article so far in my blog…
I have to install email servers every now and then. Sometimes customers need a new email server, sometimes it’s scheduled upgrade or replacement of the old server and sometimes it’s because of failures. In carrying out these installations the procedure…
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