Author: niranjan

Quick Links for Friday

Google Checkout is live. It’s a new service from Google that makes online shopping more convenient for shoppers and merchants. Shoppers can shop faster and merchants can integrate Google Checkout into their sites as an alternative payment processing method. Here

Beautiful Sunday

Yesterday was sunny, very hot, but clear and beautiful day in Hong Kong. We went to Lantau Island with our son where his school organized a Treasure Island fun day. He had a great time with activities like cooking for

Basic Linux Networking

After installing a linux server and playing with the basic command lines, the first thing we should be able to do is configure our network, without which of course there is no Internet. Most of the latest linux distributions ship

Dell laptop explodes

Dell laptop explodes at a Japanese Conference. Luckily, it looks like nobody was injured. With more powerful features and faster CPUs the laptops are becoming increasingly hotter to handle. I’ve the first hand experience of how hot a laptop (MacBookPro)

Year 2012 – End of Time and Beginning of New Era?

Wayne Chen has created a web site 2012, which is about the events he believes will happen in the years leading up to 2012. Based on what happened to him (Dec 12 to 15, 2005), Buddha Boy (completes his meditation

Watch the World Cup Live Online – PPStream

In Hong Kong you can watch the world cup only if you’ve subscribed to Cable TV. They’ve signed an expensive and exclusive contract with FIFA some 4 years ago. Unfortunately me and many of my friends were not aware of

20 things everyone needs to know

A very useful guide from experts on issues like how to sleep, how to listen, how to negotiate, how to shave, how to apply lipstick and so on. These are the 20 things everyone needs to know (link to mirror).

IIS gaining web server market

Netcraft’s June 2006 Web Server Survey finds that Internet’s growth was strongest last month due to the explosion of blogs and free web sites. Also, IIS is continually gaining web server market share from Apache.

FTP Demystified

Everyone knows what is FTP. But there’re few things that even confuses smartest geeks. Steven Frank has written an excellent article; FTP Demystified, which explains the most confused stuffs in FTP Like: 1. What is the difference between FTP, FTPS,

Getting Started with Linux Commands

Ubuntu , SUSE , RedHat , Xandros and Linspire are doing a great job with Linux Desktop. But they’ve a long way to go, with more than 90% of Windows and around 5% of Apple only a small bite is
