Month: July 2006

I’ve switched to a Mac

I’ve been using PowerBook G4 as my production laptop for about a month. There had been some odd moments but overall it’s been a wonderful experience and definitely there’s no looking back. I’m glad that I’ve switched. Now my laptop

Basic journey of a packet

Basic journey of a packet is an excellent article for anyone who’s curious about how things actually work in the Internet, specially for new network and system admins. The author has done a very good job in explaining how a

The Six Most Feared but Least Likely Causes of Death

A very interesting list of six most common, yet unfounded, causes of death that most Americans fear of. I think the list applies to Non-Americans as well. Just the thought of dying of airplane crashes, shark attacks or being murdered

How to break the Great Firewall of China

I know too well what the Great Firewall of China does. It blocks web sites containing banned words like “Falun Gong” and resets connections with your email servers if your email message contains similar banned words. Once I’d captured TCP
