Is tech injuring you and your children?

From time to time I feel a pain in my neck and upper back. And I know why! It’s due to the prolonged use of computer, not giving proper attention to my posture and not taking regular breaks. A Cnet story Your computer may be a pain in the neck explains postural syndrome which is a from of Repetitive Strain Injury (RSI) to the neck and thoracic spine.

Despite the differences in terms, all doctors and physical therapists agree: The human body was not meant for sitting or working in one position all day, and prolonged work at the computer can eventually cause the body to short-circuit.

"It’s not a life-or-death situation," Palmer said. "It just sucks to have to live with it."

The technology is not only affecting you but now it’s injuring your kids too. With computer games, Sony PlayStations/PSPs, Nintendo GameCube and a Microsoft Xbox it’s very important to teach our children the principles of good ergonomics while using the computers and limit the time they spend playing games. That’s exactly what I’m doing with my five and half years old son.

Teaching ergonomics to kids and limiting their games is easier than following it for yourself :). To improve my own ergonomics I’ve installed RSIGuard (45 days free trial) which is a ergonomic software for management of Repetitive Strain Injuries. I’m using it for few days and found it to be quite useful. It has features like rest break reminders, video demonstration of stretches during break, tracking and reporting of key work statistics which helps to understand how you use your computer. Another helpful site I found is RSI Exercises which provides very useful information on preventing and healing Repetitive Strain Injuries.